Religious Education
Bywyd Catholig
Holy Family is a Catholic school; there is a particular focus on the Christian faith; throughout the year pupils do have the opportunity to learn about other religious faiths (this encourages tolerance and mutual respect). During R.E. lessons the children learn following the “Come and See” Religious Education Programme as recommended by the Archdiocese of Cardiff. During each term the children learn about the same theme, but at different levels, based on age. The themes encourage the children to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith; with many opportunities to express their faith in an atmosphere of reflection and respect.
The school holds Collective Worship regularly throughout the week, in Assemblies as well as in Class. The children have opportunities to lead a Class Assembly during the year. The Parish Priest celebrates Mass with the children several times throughout the year. The children have opportunities to lead Prayer Services and Liturgies within their Classes. Parents/ Carers are welcomed to attend the many Liturgical celebrations held throughout the year.
Christian Meditation has been introduced throughout the School. These sessions give the children the opportunity to spend a few moments of silence with God. The children also regularly use the Jesuit Examen to reflect on their day; they ask the Holy Spirit to direct them to something through the day that was particularly important; they also ask God to give them light and hope for tomorrow’s challenges.
While recognising the central role of the family in the Religious Education of their Family School aims to fulfil its role of educating children in the Catholic Faith in order that each child will grow to know and love Jesus Christ and follow the teaching contained in the Gospels.
Catholic children receive their initial knowledge of the Faith from their parents who are their first and most important teachers. But as the children grow older, the parish community and later the school, support the parents in partnership and share in that process by which children are brought to a greater understanding of the meaning of their Baptism and the mission of the Church.
The Catholic character of the school permeates all the school’s curriculum. In line with the synod of the Bishops Conference and CES, the “Come and See” religious Scheme of Work is used in the school. The topics which are covered each term are shared with parents through a termly Religious Education newsletter. In line with the “Come and See” programme children also learn about at other Faiths in the autumn and spring/summer terms.
In school, religious education is taught through regular lessons (we use the Archdiocesan recommended resource “Come and See” to teach all our lessons), the seasons of the Church's year, various liturgies, assemblies, and not least, by the attempt to create a school ethos which reflects the values of the Gospel.
Each half term the pupils led by the Staff focus on a set of Virtues from the Jesuit Profile:
It is the policy of the school to celebrate together through collective worship our shared collective faith as a community of believers. It is viewed as part of the whole school curriculum and reflects, expresses and affirms Christian personal and social values.
The following Collective Worship take place on a regular basis:
Prayers at the beginning and end of the day. Prayers before and after lunch
- FP and KS2 collective worship.
- Whole School collective worship.
- Class assembly.
- Merit assembly.
Class Assembly
Easter Assemblies
Class Worship
Masses are also planned and celebrated in school (whole school and class Masses), and Feast days are often celebrated as a whole-school Mass when possible, depending on the availability of a Priest to say Mass. Parishioners and parents are very welcome at these Masses.
Sacramental Preparation
Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist currently are led by Mrs Mills. The sessions take place after school for an hour (6 Sacrament of Reconciliation sessions and 6 Sacrament of Eucharist sessions).